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Please help keep our Fran Vans running!  Click here now to donate. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT IN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AREA, CALL 1-877-4AN-EXAM (877-426-3926) OR VISIT 8/1 9am – 1pm: Huntington Park...
I’ve been looking into rash guards in an effort to wear less sunscreen. Not only is good mineral block (I wouldn’t use chemical block, but if you’re reading my blog you probably knew that already!) expensive, but also I have yet to find one that...
What do people in other countries do differently that makes them live so much longer? A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that Americans don’t live as long as citizens of most other rich countries. How is that...
Women tend to be more vigilant than men about getting recommended health checkups and cancer screenings, according to studies and experts. They're generally more willing, as well, to get potentially worrisome symptoms checked out, says Mary Daly, MD...
Arsenic in apple juice would be limited to the same level as arsenic in drinking water, under a proposed rule from the US Food and Drug Administration. FDA analysis of dozens of apple juice samples found 95 percent already meet that standard. The US...
