
It's All Connected - Part 3

When Did I Become So Angry and Defeated? Let’s Talk.

Nutritional Deficiencies of a Gluten-free Diet Can Impact Your Brain Health

Can a gluten-free diet exacerbate a pre-existing brain condition? Changes in your diet can alter your microbiome within 1-2 days. When you remove wheat from your diet (which is a good thing to do), you remove the ‘bad guys’ in wheat that cause inflammation in every human. But you also remove the ‘good guys’ in wheat (called prebiotics) which then will starve the good bacteria in your gut. This will then cause more inflammation in your gut, that contributes to the leaky gut, which opens the Gateway in the development of autoimmune diseases (thyroid, brain, heart, skin, joint,...).

Help Your Teens (And Yourself) Have Clear, Glowing Skin

If you have teenagers who struggle with acne – or if you continue to struggle with acne yourself well into adulthood – I don’t have to tell you that the conventional treatments out there just aren’t effective at keeping skin clear.

You can slather on all of the chemical treatments and prescription medications you want, but stubborn, persistent acne just won’t go away.


So, a lot of the time we trash ourselves, right?

We aren’t eating right, sleeping right, stressing out about every little thing, spending far too much of our lives looking at screens, and proper exercise hasn’t happened since the early 2000s.  

Symptoms of a Heart Attack and Stroke in Women

If you had heart disease, would you recognize the symptoms? You might be thinking, “Of course!” Many people are familiar with the scene of a man clutching his chest and falling to the ground, but there’s plenty more you need to know.

Panic Attacks and Anxiety Episodes Linked to Vitamin Deficiencies in Groundbreaking Study

For many people, anxiety is a normal part of the daily routine. Most people worry about the outcome of their actions, their relationships, their job, and so on.

Eventually all this worry can lead to a nervous panic, which can interfere with normal everyday life and lead to other symptoms and complications.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder are conditions that affect nearly 13 million adults in the United States and are characterized by excessive and persistent feelings of anxiety towards everyday situations and events.

Top 7 Lessons From the 2016 Health Summit

Written by Nancy Trent
Every year, Fran Drescher's Cancer Schmancer Movement holds an informative summit that is a "must" attend for you, your family and friends, as well as people who mysteriously ask you for information that you learned there! I went twice and I can tell you it's life changing, and for many, it's lifesaving. Every time I go, I hear top experts' ground-breaking updates and new techniques about conquering cancer.
