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Climate Change may seem like an insurmountable problem, but Fran always says that the planet is one living, breathing, interconnected organism, so every little bit you do can lead to big change. So here are three things you can do right now to...
Cancer Schmancer Medical Advisor Dr. Uma V.A. Dhanabalan, MPH, FAAFP, knocks down the bias against the use of medical cannabis and explains its many uses in her own practice. Watch below.
Advances in cancer screening and treatment are continuously occurring, but surviving cancer still depends largely upon early detection and treatment. Under President Franklin Roosevelt, April was designated National Cancer Control Month in...
When it comes to supporting a youthful brain, what you eat plays a significant role. At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Your brain is an organ, and fueling it with the nutrients it loves can help enhance its function over time. So why...
Most testicular cancers can be found at an early stage, when they're small and haven't spread. In some men, early testicular cancers cause symptoms that lead them to seek medical attention. Most of the time a lump on the testicle is the first...