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For a study published last year, British researchers asked 12 healthy male college students to ride stationary bicycles while listening to music that, as the researchers primly wrote, “reflected current popular taste among the undergraduate...
A new study published in a leading journal reports that rectal cancer appears to be rising among Americans under the age of 40, while colon cancer rates have remained steady for several decades; the study says more effort should go into diagnosing...
Monsanto has been in the news this week, with a U.S. District Court Judge ruling that the USDA has to at least go through the motions of regulating the company's genetically engineered sugar beets. Monsanto, you may know, is not likely to win...
In his new book, The Doctor Is In, E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork, teaches you how to put an end to bad habits and take control of your health! Seven Steps to Optimal Wellness Seven simple steps that you take today may help save your life...
Early puberty is no fun. Girls who mature earlier than their peers are more likely to be teased and have behavior problems. They may struggle to deal with sexual advances that come before they are emotionally mature enough to cope. Early puberty...
