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When you feel tired and weighed down by stress, a lack of exercise, and poor food choices, give your body and mind a reboot with a detox. A detox doesn’t always mean a rigorous diet, juice fast, or ingesting a combination of nauseating herbs. You...
Thu, October 1  Pico Rivera 90660 9:00am-3:00pm  Thu,October 1 Huntington Beach  92647 9:00am-3:00pm  Thu,October 1...
WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2015 04:39 FERN SIDMAN  Healthcare, and in particular women's healthcare has not only become a buzzword on the political landscape but has captured the attention of potential voters in this highly charged presidential...
by Susan Hornik      9:40 AM PDT, October 16, 2015 Getty Images It’s hard to imagine how someone can turn a life-threatening illness into a way to help thousands of women take control of their health, but...
From The Doctors, 20 October 2015  
