Health News

My name is Julie Hoefling, and I am 14 years old, and I would like to share with you how Cancer Schmancer has...
We know we should eat our vegetables. They're packed full of vitamins and nutrients and can be instrumental in...
Researchers have made significant progress in understanding the biology of pancreatic tumors, suggesting that...
When Heather Rogers was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago, she asked herself, "Why me?" Like 90% of...
When Heather Rogers was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago, she asked herself, "Why me?" Like 90% of...
When Heather Rogers was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago, she asked herself, "Why me?" Like 90% of...
Regular Medical Exams are Crucial for Women with a History of Asbestos Exposure Although practically every wom...
Skin Cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the U.S. And also the most treatable. According...
Carina Corral continues her special series on breast cancer awareness by bringing attention to a rare...
First, the good news: You probably won't get cancer. That is, if you have a healthy lifestyle. "As many as 70...
Dr. Sutton is a senior scientist in the California office of the Environmental Working Group, a research and...
