Health News

Pregnant women take elaborate steps to protect their babies' health, following doctors' orders to avoid alcoh...
Karin Gaines of Rockford, Ill., is battling breast cancer for the second time in her life. She's taking two di...
Breast cancer screening should be individualized depending on breast density. All women should know their bre...
Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), also known as sodium dodecyl sulfate, has been taking a beating in the PR depar...
If you are among the millions of people who vowed to start the new year by getting in shape so you can look a...
A blood test so sensitive that it can spot a single cancer cell lurking among a billion healthy ones is movin...
Q: Which types of cancer are hereditary? A. “Fortunately, cancer itself is not hereditary, but the susceptibi...
The recent Annual Report to the Nation featuring colon cancer trends ( highlights the su...
As we struggle to deliver 200% at work each day and come home and offer the same to our children and spouses,...
(CBS) Americans worried about the safety of their drinking water may have new cause for alarm. A new study...
If you smoke, quitting the habit is the best New Year’s resolution you could make — and keep — in 2011. That’...
For many, the holidays equal shopping, quality time with family and gorging on cookies, cakes and holiday fe...
