Health News

Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday that is loaded with tradition, so why not start a new tradition in yo...
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been around since the beginning of time as we receive natural EMFs from the...
Many people think of Lyme disease as an illness caused by the bite of an infected tick. Though the bite may be...
Your teeth and gums play an important role in your body’s overall health. Holistic dentistry recognizes this c...
There are few subjects that can stir up stronger emotions among doctors, scientists, researchers, policy maker...
Dale E. Bredesen, M.D., is a professor of neurology at the Easton Laboratories for Neurodegenerative Disease R...
One of the few triple board-certified physicians in the country, with expertise in Internal Medicine, Endocr...
Scientists at the prestigious National Cancer Research Institute in Spain didn’t set out to find the secret to...
For decades, we treated brain disorders blindly, without even knowing what was really going on inside. ...
The FDA has received thousands of reports from women who blame their implants for a host of health problems in...
