Health News

Lawn chemicals, particularly, ones containing 2,4-D, have been linked to at least two types of canine cancers....
Many Americans go through great pains to recycle plastic. But much of that plastic isn’t recycled at all. In...
A growing body of research points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on healt...
Little do many of us know that as we sit in the comfort of our homes, we may be silently developing brain toxi...
The Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods that people used to eat in countries like Italy and...
Dr. Sue Sisley noticed an unexpected trend among her patients. The psychiatrist works with veterans...
Having an excess amount of heavy metals can negatively affect the human body. Some foods and medicines can h...
Recent years have seen an increase in the number of aluminum-free antiperspirants and deodorants on the market...
When you can’t get the shut-eye you desperately need, try these relaxing yoga poses you can do right in bed....
Avoid these to combat chronic inflammation. Inflammation is one of the body’s natural mechanisms for increas...
Can a gluten-free diet exacerbate a pre-existing brain condition? Changes in your diet can alter your microbio...
Abstract Many hair products contain endocrine‐disrupting compounds and carcinogens potentially relevant to br...
