Health News

 I heard the words "It's malignant."  I could not understand how this was possible.  I was a health conscious,...
Have you ever looked at the ingredient list of your favorite fragrance? I guarantee you cannot pronounce most...
New report shows company making formaldehyde-free 'No More Tears' shampoo in some countries but not U.S. San F...
 TRENTON, N.J. -- Two chemicals considered harmful to babies remain in Johnson & Johnson's baby shampoo so...
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy   Baby girls who are exposed w...
From elsewhere in The Post: Women with high levels of bisphenol A in their urine were more likely to report t...
Fran Drescher’s movement, Cancer Schmancer, recently launched a new campaign called Trash Cancer to empower c...
Eating in moderation is no easy task! Debbie from Massachusetts is having trouble avoiding excess calories w...
Wanna hear something spooky? With one of CHEJ’s favorite holidays, Halloween, right around the corner, we wan...
MANAGING ABUNDANCE: M2 by Mary Margrill Jewelry Breaks Company Record Sales while on Today show and at the sa...
Either by accident or faulty manufacturing, household consumer products injure an estimated 33.1 million peopl...
