Health News

by Jillian McAfee To view a PDF version of this article, click here. As the winter months are...
From apple pie to gingerbread cookies to pillowy cupcakes, our festive desserts will delight the young—...
To hear these tips and more in a song, visit: The 12 Ways to Health Holiday Song The h...
Between pies and cross-country travel, it can be pretty tough to stay active during the holiday season. A corn...
Researchers from VU University Medical Centre in the Netherlands unveiled a new study that says being overw...
Surprise! Just popping in on Saturday to share with you a little collection of healthy holiday treat recip...
            Indulging Without Overindulging Relax. You won’t gain 10...
12/11/2017 - ANNETTE WITHERIDGE After surviving cancer 17 years ago, actress Fran Drescher found he...
By AMANDA MACMILLAN  June 16, 2017   Yoga and meditation may do more than just help you...
Reviewed by Taylor Wolfram, MS, RDN, LDN   shironosov/iStock/Thinkstock The holidays are a time t...
Ilana Kaplan Yahoo LifestyleDecember 7, 2017   Actress Fran Dresch...
