Health News

Hearing the words “fatty liver” may immediately conjure up thoughts of alcoholics, and the damage to your live...
Doctors hail new era for cancer screening as major research shows effectiveness of Galleri test Doctors have...
When consumed for as little as two weeks, common alternatives to sugar affect intestinal bacterial communities...
The idea of a beloved and cherished canine companion falling ill is certainly not a pleasant one. Every cancer...
People who increased the amount of alcohol they drank also had an increased risk of cancer, according to the...
Biological differences may be at play. Males get most types of cancer more often than females. A new study...
How do cancer cells travel beyond the primary tumor, stay dormant for years and then suddenly wake up, causing...
Endometrial cancer can have varied symptoms which may be misdiagnosed as other illnesses. Digestive issues,...
For years scientists have believed that aspartame and other so-called nonnutritive sweeteners had no effect on...
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest forms of holistic medicine and still widely used today. Combining physi...
The compound in psychedelic mushrooms helped heavy drinkers cut back or quit entirely in the most rigorous tes...
The stage of cancer indicates how advanced it is and what treatments will work best. After a diagnosis is mad...
