Cancer Prevention

11 Signs of Mold Illness

Mold is a big problem in most homes, but many people are unaware of the problem. Of course, everyone looks at the shower curtain, under the sink, or in the basement when he or she think about mold issues, but mold can grow just about anywhere.

Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month: Maintaining Health

One-third of all cancer deaths in the U.S. each year are linked to diet and physical activity. To reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers, it’s important to maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and eat a healthy diet.

The Toxic Twelve Chemicals & Contaminants in Cosmetics

Chemicals and contaminants linked to cancer can be found in food, water and many other everyday products. However, no category of consumer products is subject to less government oversight than cosmetics and other personal care products. Although many of the chemicals and contaminants in cosmetics and personal care products likely pose little risk, exposure to some has been linked to serious health problems, including cancer.

Here’s What an Extra 20 Minutes of Sleep Does to Your Brain

The pandemic has been an extremely difficult time to live through, but one added benefit is that you might be getting more sleep.  And if you’re fortunate enough to be able to work from home, you may find yourself sleeping in without having to worry about your commute.

21 ways to reduce your Alzheimer's risk, backed by research

There are 21 known ways to reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's, and 10 of those are backed by strong scientific evidence, new research has revealed.

TATC - 17 Cancer Causing Toxins to Eliminate from Your Daily Routine

The cancer epidemic is raging out of control today, needlessly taking the lives of millions of people.

Meanwhile the costs of healthcare continue skyrocketing even higher – pushing more and more individuals and entire families into crippling debt and poverty. But it doesn’t have to continue.

And you don’t have to be one of them.

Sunscreen Chemicals Accumulate in Body at High Levels

FDA study looked at six common ingredients; proposed rule to test safety remains on hold

QUIZ: Why Am I So Tired?

Are you tired all the time? Do you feel like you just don’t get enough rest to get through your day without feeling sluggish or like you lack focus? You’re not alone. In fact, check out these findings a recent study conducted by the National Safety Council revealed:

Is CBD a Biohack?

Have you heard about cannabidiol (commonly shortened to CBD)? It’s one of the most controversial supplements on the market today, and for good reason.
