Proton pump inhibitors linked to an 80% increased risk of liver cancer, shocking new study

Heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, and other disorders related to your stomach and stomach acid can be a real pain – literally. The burning, discomfort, and indigestion can make eating difficult if not nearly impossible.  If you follow the advice of big pharma, all you have to do is take a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) like like Prilosec OTC® or Nexium®.

But, in a recent study, researchers have discovered a worrisome adverse effect of these top-selling drugs – an increased risk of liver cancer.  We see ads for these big pharma money makers everywhere – could this help to explain why rates of liver cancer have tripled since 1980?

Taking a proton pump inhibitor for heartburn raises the risk of liver cancer to new heights, new research warns

A paper published in the July 2018 edition of Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics combined data from one case-controlled study and one prospective cohort study. Both large independent studies (involving nearly half a million people) looked at the relationship between PPI use and the incidence of liver cancer.

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