Not to worry, nature has provided some green friends that will not only lighten up the mood of the house, but also clean the very air you breathe while adding oxygen to it. Not only that, but these plants are near impossible to kill. For those of you whose thumb is less green, and more like black spotted grey, this is a major bonus. Let’s check them out!
- Aloe Vera
Aloe is a multi-use plant for sure. It has health benefits when consumed in smaller amounts, helps relieve burns, and cleans your indoor air as well. It removes formaldehyde effectively from indoor air.
- Ficus
Ficus trees are a favorite of mine as they are able to grow quite large depending on the type of pot you have them in. They typically stand between 2 and 10 feet tall and have some serious air cleaning abilities. You can also keep it outside in the spring and summer. The ficus removes benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from indoor air.
- Spider Plant
Spider plants are incredibly easy to grow, so if you’re a beginner, this is a great one to start with. It lights bright, indirect light and sends out shoots with flowers on them that will eventually grow into baby spider plants that you can propagate yourself. Before too long, you’ll have more spider plants than you’ll know what to do with.